
We're Shining Brighter with New Lighting

Thank you to Michigan Energy Options for putting together this great story on our LED project!

When it comes to undertaking energy efficiency projects in historic buildings, preservation and persistence are key. Chris Wattsson, co-owner of Wattsson & Wattsson Jewelers, knew that he wanted the store to be more energy efficient and was ready to act when he received a brochure from the Energy Optimization Program offered by the Marquette Board of Light & Power. 

“I was initially concerned that our chandeliers were so old that they wouldn’t be compatible with newer LEDs. Ultimately, we were able to replace the chandelier bases really easily, which made it possible to upgrade from incandescent to LED bulbs.” said Wattsson.

Better Lighting Means Better Business

Lighting is one of the most cost-effective and easiest ways for businesses to save energy and money. It is also an important part of making a jewelry purchase, such as a diamond ring, shine. After Chris contacted the Energy Optimization Program to perform an on-site electrical energy assessment, together they identified several areas ripe for efficiency upgrades within the downtown business. A U.P. company that specializes in LED lighting designed a new lighting plan that not only enhances a customer’s shopping experience within the store’s showroom, but is also delivering a high return on investment to Wattsson & Wattsson Jewelers. 

Another aspect of the project that appealed to Chris Wattsson was working together with their utility, the Marquette Board of Light & Power, and Energy Optimization Program staff. They made sure his project was done right and that he received rebates to defray some of the project’s up-front cost.

“I was really impressed with how committed everyone that I encountered was to energy optimization and efficiency. I was surprised that we were able to customize the LED strips that we needed to do the jewelry cases.” said Wattsson. “I was really happy that they were able to get the correct hue of the light, as we wanted a warmer feel.”

Less Maintenance, Lower Costs 

LEDs can last 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs and use 80 percent less energy. “The amount of energy that the building is saving is remarkable. It’s a great return on investment and I feel great that our building is better for the environment,” said Wattsson. “The products we picked will last a long time, which cuts our costs and creates less waste.”

Energy Saving Actions:

  • Replaced 100 60-watt incandescent decorative candelabra-style bulbs with similar LED bulbs that use only seven watts

  • Replaced more than 100 20-watt halogen bulbs used for under-cabinet jewelry display lighting with special extruded under-cabinet LEDs

  • Replaced seven 35-watt incandescent MR16 bulbs with six-watt dimmable warm-white LED MR16 bulbs

  • Replaced standard T12 fluorescent tubes in custom overhead fixtures with LED tube replacements


    • Lowered electricity use by 26,000 kilowatt-hours per year

    • Received a $1,560 rebate from the Marquette Board of Light & Power’s Energy Optimization Program

    Energy savings and rebates for anyone

    Find out how saving energy can benefit your business. Call 877-296-4319 or visit to learn about the energy-saving options that are available for your business, farm or home.


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    April's Birthstone: Diamond

    As one of the most precious and sought after gemstones, Diamond is commonly accepted as April's Birthstone. Diamonds are created by natural conditions that only occur about 100 miles under the surface of the earth. Before we ever see what beauty a Diamond holds, it goes through several processes. After it is taken from the earth, the rough gemstone must be cut and polished in a specific way to enhance their luster. 

    The Diamond has been admired and beloved for many years. Getting their start in India, Diamonds were gathered from rivers and streams throughout the country. It is possible that India was trading in Diamonds as early as the fourth century BC, and over time Indian Diamonds traveled all the way to Venetian markets where they quickly became popular among British nobility by the 14th Century.

     At the start of the 1700's, India's Diamond supply began to decline, and around this same time Brazil emerged as an important World Diamond source, and they dominated the market for more than 150 years. However, political changes and upheavals changed the distribution of wealth, and the 1800's brought about the affluence of western Europe and America. At the end of the 1800's, rich Diamond deposits were discovered in South Africa, and demand broadened. With the founding of De Beers, by 1900, 90% of the Diamond market was controlled through its mines in South Africa.

    The four characteristics that generally determine a Diamond's quality are called the 4 C's: Color (or how close to colorless the Diamond is; for "fancy" colored Diamonds, this refers to the intensity of the hue), Cut ( accurate proportions, symmetry, and polish), Clarity (how many inclusions are visible within the stone), and Carat (the Diamond's weight). All of these factors are carefully considered to determine a Diamond's value. 

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    Get Your Green On

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    Claddagh: Meaning and Origins

    As we get nearer to what is considered in American culture as a prominent holiday which includes lots of green, eating and drinking, and various parades throughout the nation, Claddagh Rings and Jewelry become more and more popular. We often get asked what the Claddagh symbolizes. The Claddagh Ring is among a group of European Rings called "fede rings," which derives from the Italian "mani in fede" or "hands in faith/loyalty." "Fede rings" are made with two hands clasped, which generally symbolizes pledged vows, and because of this were often given as engagement and wedding rings in Medieval and Renaissance Europe. 

    The traditional Claddagh Ring is a variation on that, showing two hands holding a heart topped with a crown. The hands signify Friendship, while the heart means Love, and the crown Loyalty. 

    The current form of the Ring was first produced in the 17th Century in Claddagh, Ireland, situated outside the old city walls of Galway. However, the term "Claddagh" wasn't used until the 1840s. While there are many different legends about the origin of the Ring, perhaps the most likely is about Richard Joyce, a native of Galway. Captured and sold as a slave to a Moorish goldsmith while working in the West Indies, Joyce learned the craft from his Master. When William III became King he demanded the release of all British prisoners, thus Joyce was set free. During his time in captivity, he fashioned a Ring for his love in Galway, and upon his return, presented it to her and married her.

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    March's Birthstone: Aquamarine

    Presenting in stunning ice blues and even an eye-catching greenish blue now and then, the Aquamarine is March's dazzling birthstone. 

    Named for the Latin for seawater, the Aquamarine certainly does give the impression of watery depths. This gemstone is also thought to improve happiness in marriages. Aquamarines belong to the Beryl family (as well as Emeralds); many Beryls form large crystals, making the Aquamarine ideal for larger cuts that can be suitable for Fashion Jewelry.


    Sitting at 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness, the Aquamarine can be a durable stone for jewelry as long as care is taken against scratching and knocks on hard surfaces. 


    View our Aquamarine pieces

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