The Details of Diamond Buying class happening April 10!

Diamond buying can be scary. Get all the details on what to look for in a diamond from Lacee J. Hartzell, GIA Diamonds Graduate. Lacee will review which factors go into diamond grading. She will demonstrate how florescence appears in a diamond and how to properly use a jeweler’s loop to look at a mounted stone. Attendees will get a chance to look at diamonds under the microscope.

Lacee J. Hartzell is the Sales Manager at Wattsson & Wattsson and a GIA Graduate Gemologist candidate. She completed the GIA Diamonds Graduate program in Spring of 2018. She is on track to comeplete the Graduate Gemologist degree in Summer of 2019.

This event is free to attend. Limited to 20 participants. RSVP on Eventbrite here:

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